What is Halloween and how to celebrate it?

Most of you heard of this event celebrated around the world each year. However, this article will help you to know in detail about it within this short-glimpse! Ancient View and Origin Halloween event has roots in ancient Gaelic and Celtic nations. The Gaels are the native to Ireland, Scotland, and to the north-west of Europe, while Celtic are Indo-European peoples. The establishment of different cultures prior to the development of today’s modern Europe amalgamated different cultures in the pre-Europe period. So, cultural norms and festivities established concurrently in that region. The Halloween event most likely thought to be originated from Samhain, an event specifically celebrated after the harvesting of crops. The original dates are 31st October-1st November in Gaelic peoples as the dark part of the year started or at the beginning of winter. However, according to some historians, Halloween is solely belonging to the Christian festival. The word Halloween emerged in 1745 and is ...